Romantic Road Germany

Places to See in Dinkelsbühl

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Dinkelsbühl: Wörnitz Tor
Dinkelsbühl: Wörnitz Tor
The Wörnitz Tor (or gate) is the oldest of the gates stil remaining around Dinkelsbühl.The top part of it was built later in the 1th century.
  • Dinkelsbühl: Wörnitz Tor
    The Wörnitz Tor (or gate) is the oldest of the gates stil remaining around Dinkelsbühl.The top part of it was built later in the 1th century.
  • Dinkelsbühl: Weinmarkt
    The wine market is an example of the tradesmen's houses and stores where goods could be bought and sold in the large open areas at the centre of Dinkelsbühl. The reddish house in the foreground is the Ratsherrnstube (the City Councillors' Tavern) which was also the location for the official scales (for the market) and for lodging for the rich and influential.
  • Dinkelsbühl: Signs
    The gilded wrought iron signs and the steep gabled roofs are a typical sight in Dinkelsbühl.
  • Dinkelsbühl: Rothenburger Tor
    The Rothenburg Gate housed prison cells and torture chambers in the Middle Ages. The Spital (town infirmary) nearby was originally outside the walls.
  • Dinkelsbühl: Faulturm
    The view of the Faulturm across the Nag's Pond - it was used as a prison for those who fell into debt.
  • Dinkelsbühl: Town Walls
    This view of the southeastern walls gives an idea of the number of towers used in the construction of the defences.
  • Dinkelsbühl: Segringer Tor
    The top of this gate looks different to others as it was damaged in a siege and was remodelled in a Baroque style.
  • Dinkelsbühl: Nördlinger Tor
    The Nördlingen Gate has the old town mill to the right of it. Because it was outside the town walls the mill also had its own fortifications and access for defenders from inside the town. It is now a museum of perspective.

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Towns Along The Romantic Road