Romantic Road Germany

Places to See in Landsberg am Lech

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Landsberg am Lech: Main Square
Landsberg am Lech: Main Square
This is a view of the main square of Landsberg, with the Maria fountain (Marienbrunnen) from the 18th century in the foreground and the historic Town Hall in the background.
  • Landsberg am Lech: Main Square
    This is a view of the main square of Landsberg, with the Maria fountain (Marienbrunnen) from the 18th century in the foreground and the historic Town Hall in the background.
  • Landsberg am Lech: Salt Warehouses
    These former warehouses, now converted into private dwellings, served as storage for the salt trade (Landsberg was an important stop on the Salt Route). These buildings were built in the 18th century but there were also older buildings which served the same purpose in this area.
  • Landsberg am Lech: Bakers' Gate
    Another one of the old town gates - there is another behind the position where this photo was taken (the Dyers' Gate).
  • Landsberg am Lech: Town Walls
    Some of the town walls still standing - this is part of the former dyeworks. As with the old tanning and dying houses in the Witches' Quarter, the industrial processes were unpleasant for neighbours, so they were kept on the outside edge of the town.
  • Landsberg am Lech: Witches' Quarter
    The witches' quarter, or Hexenviertel, doesn't actually refer to any historical witch trials - it was a nickname given to the female painters of the early 20th century who used this historic area in their work. It is actually part of an area used for tanning and dying (thus the wooden construction in the area which was used for drying).
  • Landsberg am Lech: Weir
    The weir at Landsberg was originally built in the 14th century. The Lech is a fast-flowing river and part of it was diverted through Landsberg so that wares could be transhipped onto the raft traffic. This diversion was also an important power source for water mills in those days.

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Landsberg am Lech

River Lech at Landsberg

Towns Along The Romantic Road