Romantic Road Germany

General Information

Much of the information about the Romantic Road on this site is location-based, but this section is devoted to travel details which are more general - like getting to the route, cheap accommodation en route, walking and biking:

There are plenty of airports and public transport options along the Romantic Road - details of the best options for various towns along the way are given in the specific locations. Our general travel page covers ways of getting to southern Germany and moving about on public transport before, during and after the route:
Travel to the Romantic Road

Some of the fitter visitors to this site might be planning a trip under their own steam. In that case there are two separate pages devoted to options:
Walking the Romantic Road
Cycling the Romantic Road

Each town has a selection of hotel accommodation featured in the specific section, but there are those who are just looking for a cheap place to lay their head. With this in mind we've collected what we could about organised and private hostel accommodation along the way:
Hostels along the Romantic Road

The Marienberg Fortress in Wurzburg Germany
The Marienberg Fortress in Wurzburg Germany

Finally, there is plenty of history and culture to soak up along the route. For those looking for a quick religious overview, we've prepared a page about the saints who are most associated with events along the way:
Saints of the Romantic Road
and, for a particularly religious time of year,we have a page about the Advent markets in the area:
Christmas Markets along the Romantic Road