Romantic Road Germany

Füssen Hotels

Page updated: 23/8/23

Where to stay in Füssen

Füssen is situated on two very popular tourist routes as well as having its own attractions so there is plenty of choice when it comes to accommodation.

The hotels chosen are mainly from the four-star and three-star categories and some of them have online booking facilities through our travel fulfilment partner You can check availability at those particular hotels by clicking on the button under the hotel.

Choose your preferred standard of hotel or guesthouse : | 4 star | 3 star |

Otherwise you can look at a range of all types of accommodation for the dates you prefer by using the search box below:

Hotels in Füssen

Hotel Schlosskrone (E, D)
Hotel Schlosskrone, Füssen
Prinzregentenplatz 4
87629 Füssen
Tel: 08362 930180
Fax: 08362 9301850
Luitpoldpark Hotel (E, D)
Luitpoldpark Hotel, Füssen
Bahnhofstrasse 1-3
87629 Füssen
Tel: 08362 9040
Fax: 08362 904678
Hotel Sommer (D)
Hotel Sommer, Füssen
Weidachstrasse 74
87629 Füssen
Tel: 08362 91470
Fax: 08362 914714
Hotel Sonne (E, D)
Hotel Sonne, Füssen
Prinzregentenplatz 1
87629 Füssen
Tel: 08362 9080
Fax: 08362 908100
Hotel Filser (E, D)
Hotel Filser, Füssen
Säulingstrasse 3
87629 Füssen
Tel: 08362 91250
Fax: 08362 912573
Hotel Zum Hechten (E, D)
Hotel Zum Hechten, Füssen
Ritterstrasse 6
87629 Füssen
Tel: 08362 91600
Fax: 08362 916099
Hotel Hirsch (E, D)
Hotel Hirsch, Füssen
Kaiser-Maximilian-Platz 7
87629 Füssen
Tel: 08362 93980
Fax: 08362 939877
Hotel Ludwigs (D)
Hotel Ludwigs, Füssen
Reichenstrasse 17
87629 Füssen
Tel: 08362 9251795
Fax: 08362 922181

Choose from the best-rated accommodation

Or alternatively take a look at some of the top-rated accommodation of all types in Füssen:

Looking for some of the best-rated accommodation in Füssen?
Check hotels, guesthouses and apartments rated 'superb' or 'exceptional' by visitors like you who used booking reservation website No reservation fees.

Füssen accommodation map

Click the '+' sign to zoom in and see more accommodation on the map. Hover over a price to see information about the accommodation and click on the listing to access more detailed descriptions and booking options.

Travel to Füssen

Air Travel

The closest airport to Füssen is the regional airport at Memmingen, followed by the trip over the border into the Austrian Tyrol and Innsbruck Airport.

Distance to Allgäu (Memmingen) Airport: 78km
Distance to Innsbruck Airport: 107km
Distance to Bodensee (Friedrichshafen) Airport: 122km
Distance to Munich Airport: 161km

Memmingen has grown in terms of the number of destinations that it serves and the public transport connections are far better than they once were. As with most locations in southern Germany, the choice of flights and the transport options from Munich mean it should come into serious consideration.

Train Travel

The railway station at Füssen is on the edge of the old town centre. Füssen is at the end of a branch line to Biessenhofen. Regional services to Munich and Augsburg connect through this station with some not requiring any change of train.


Statue of St Mang in Füssen

Towns Along The Romantic Road